I decided to create
my own VNC implementation and have posted code and binaries over at Google Code. There, you'll find instructions for installing and using the VNC server with a Windows Mobile device using
.NET VNC Viewer. Here's a low-quality photo I snapped to get you interested:

The application running is my
Android RSS reader, also hosted by Google Code.
if your interested in remote desktop from android to a desktop pc then please check this out: http://www.quantumcon.com/Home/remote-desktop-from-g1-android-phones
I'm disable due to ALS desease.
I own a HTC Hero and i'm lookinfg for a tool wich let me control my phone from my computer.
Does your "VNC Server" works only on the Android emulator?
How can I install it on my phone?
This is one of the brilliant. post.I like your blog details.Try to present more this kind of information.
Android app developers
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